
In News by couchiching

We are so glad you are here!

We have gathered up some information and resources for you as you connect with nature.

Connect with us online on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Guidelines for Footpath & Trail Use:

  1. If the parking area is at capacity, please come back at another time or visit another trail.
  2. Please keep at least a six foot distance between you and others that you don’t live with.
  3. Wear a mask as an extra pre-caution (Bonus – it will keep your face warm!)
  4. Follow guidelines to keep you and the community safe, such as staying home if you are sick, staying close to home, and more.
  5. Stay on the trail – the plants on the forest floor matter! Only step off the trail to allow others to pass.
  6. Don’t allow your dog to make contact with others. The Nature Reserves are not off leash dog parks – please keep them on a leash. This really matters. Please respect other trail users.
  7. No camping, fires, motorized vehicles, foraging, mountain bikes. More info here.

Our facilities remain closed but the footpaths and trails are open.

You can contact staff here.

Nature Reserves that are open to the public and have established trails that we manage:

  • Grant’s Woods
  • Carthew Bay Reserve
  • The Church Woods
  • Thomas C. Agnew Nature Reserve
  • Alexander Hope-Smith Nature Reserve
  • Adams Nature Reserve
  • Kris Starr Sanctuary
  • Ron Reid Nature Reserve

Go to the Nature Reserves & Easement page and click the name of the Reserve for information and trail maps.

Stay informed on local conservation efforts by signing up for our e-newsletter.

Since you are here, we know that nature matters to you. If you are not already one of the thousands of people who help make protecting these Reserves possible, please consider supporting our work by donating today.

Did you know, a $25 donation helps the Conservancy to care an acre of wilderness. For example, Grant’s Woods Nature Reserve is 52 acres and has over 4 km of trails. Thank you for helping protect this place and others!