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The Fantastic World of Bird Nicknames

In Birds by couchiching

Reading an article on woodpeckers, the author referred to a Pileated woodpecker as a “Logcock”. That was a term I had never heard and it got me thinking. How many birds do I know that have nicknames?

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The Pure Dedication of Birders

In News by couchiching

Take the Christmas Bird Count season as an example. Any time between mid December and early January, alarms are waking birders up very early in the morning.

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Birding: A Run-in with Double-crested Cormorants

In Birds, News by couchiching

Double-crested Cormorants are anything but a pretty bird. They are prehistoric in looks and age, one of oldest bird species at about two million years. Painted images of them have been found in ancient North American caves and Egyptian tombs. There are about thirty Cormorant species throughout the world, the Double-crested are the only species in North America.