Size: 600-acres (242-hectares)
Status: Open to the Public, no trails. CAUTION: Hunting occurs here in the fall.
Protected: 1996
Donors: Robert & Ruth Warling
Partnership: protected with Nature Conservancy of Canada
Robert and Ruth Warling donated this 243 hectare mosaic of natural woodlands and wetlands to the Nature Conservancy of Canada in 1996. Since 1999, The Couchiching Conservancy has managed these lands located on the Shield country of northern Severn Township. Please be aware hunting occurs on this property in the fall.
Unique features:
- habitats range from old fields and pine plantations to upland forests and open wetlands
- extensive areas of Red and White Oak forests on shallow soils
- several areas of floating-leaved aquatic wetlands dominated by Fragrant White Waterlily and Yellow Bullhead Waterlily
- Coombs Lake is an extensive shallow wetland located within the property with emergent species such as Cattails, Pickerelweed and Wild Calla
Best time to visit: spring and summer or by ski or snowshoe in the winter
From Orillia, follow highway 12 West to Coldwater and Upper Big Chute Road (County Road 17); turn right on Laughlin Falls road and follow to dead end. There is no property identification sign.