It is with mixed emotions that we announce The Couchiching Conservancy’s Engagement Organizer Joelle Burnie is heading off on a new adventure.

Water Quality Monitoring at Scout Valley
Joelle, who has made an indelible mark on this organization, is realizing a long-held ambition to live in the mountains of British Columbia, and she is finishing her stint with the Conservancy in early September.
While we are happy for her in that she is realizing a dream, we are very sad to see such a fine person leaving our team.
Joelle has distinguished herself since the day she arrived on staff. At a time when we were working hard to shift our culture outward to invite more people to take part in our work, Joelle played a critical role in applying engagement organizing concepts and keeping them in front of us at all times.
She is also just plain fun to work with, and her enthusiasm is contagious.
She will be missed.
But we are taking solace in the fact that she will continue to work in the environmental field.
Please join me in congratulating Joelle on her new role, and thanking her for her contributions during her tenure here.
I know we all wish her the very best in this next stage of her promising career.
Mark Bisset,
Executive Director