Hi! My name is Quinlan MacDonald and I am one of the Summer Interns with the Couchiching Conservancy for this season!
I am currently in my 4th year at Trent University, completing my bachelor’s degree in biology which I will be finishing over the summer. During this time, I focused on taking all animal biology courses they had to offer.
Outside of work I like to keep busy and spend a lot of time exercising whether it’s going to the gym, rock climbing or playing football and basketball. I also like to spend a lot of time outside hiking or walking my dog, and have a great interest in photography.
I’ve always had a passion for the environment and its conservation for future generations ever since I was a little kid, which is why I’ve always wanted to work at a place like this. I look forward to what’s to come and I hope over the summer I can help benefit our local ecosystems in whichever ways I can, and I look forward to working on and learn about our unique reserves!

Hi! My name is Carsten Wisch and I am one of the Summer Interns with the Couchiching Conservancy for this season!
I attended Brock University for a Bachelors Degree in Biological Sciences which I finished in 2020. Recently I wrapped up a Master of Science program in Biology at Lakehead University, here in Orillia. For my Master’s thesis, I had the opportunity to examine the effects of cottage development activities on lake ecosystems and water quality. In my free time, I enjoy reading, kayaking and hiking with my dog Finn.
I am really excited to be finally beginning my career in the field of biology and environmental science with this position at the Couchiching Conservancy. I really wanted to have a positive and significant impact in my local environment and I believe there is no greater organization for this than the Couchiching Conservancy. For this summer, I am looking forward to having the opportunity to be involved in the various monitoring programs run by the Conservancy, work on their unique properties and learn as much as I can while I’m here!