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Summer Warblers: Part Two

In 2 - Summer, Birds, Featured, News by couchiching

Let’s dive into some of the top birding spots in the Great Lakes region, where you can experience the peak of warbler migration and discover some of the most renowned locations for birdwatching. We’ll also discuss the remaining warblers in the Setophaga genus that weren’t covered in the previous article. …

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Field Notes – Monarch Monitoring

In 2 - Summer, Featured, Field notes, Flora, News, Species at Risk, Stewardship by couchiching

With the return of the monarch butterfly, begins the start of the monarch monitoring season for the Couchiching Conservancy community science program. Monarchs are Endangered in Canada1 , and face various threats across their range including habitat loss, pollution (herbicides and insecticides), extreme weather, and disease 2. Our monarch monitoring …

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Meet our summer staff!

In 2 - Summer, Featured, News by couchiching

Jen Willoughby has a degree in Zoology from the University of Guelph, where she took courses in Ecology, Animal Behaviour, and Wildlife Conservation and Management. During her degree, Jen was a summer intern at a wildlife rehabilitation center and was offered a paid position the following summer. She believes this …

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How birds keep cool in summer heat

In Birds, Cameron Ranch Nature Reserve, Carden Alvar, Carden Alvar Provincial Park, Featured, Little Bluestem Nature Reserve, Marley Nature Reserve, McDarker Nature Reserve, McGee Creek & Cranberry Lake, Severn Woodlands Nature Reserve, Wolf Run Alvar Nature Reserve by couchiching

During one of the very few really hot days we had this summer, a lady asked me how birds keep cool during those conditions.
They have a number of methods of beating the heat.