We are not the owners of this Earth, we are merely its guardians for a short time. That being said, the pace of world trade, manufacturing and consumption has grown exponentially in the past century.
The Little Sprouts have arrived in Orillia
It all started as an idea to ensure that children have the knowledge and tools to tackle complex environmental issues. Today, that idea continues to grow and evolve, as The Couchiching Conservancy has launched an eco-club called the Little Sprouts.
Challenge Gift: Canadian Charitable Giving Landscape
As a longtime resident of Orillia and Simcoe County, I’ve watched our community grow, change and develop over time. Some of my favourite places in town – restaurants, stores, forests and playgrounds –are still here while others have been replaced or removed entirely.
Roosting Boxes: Building a home for the winter
Many bird lovers either purchase or build nest boxes for their favourite wild birds: bluebirds, swallows, chickadees, nuthatches and many more. These boxes vary in size and shapes and in particular, the size of the entrance hole, depending on the desired species. We have had as many as 40 swallow houses on our property, and an equal number of bluebird houses on fence posts along the sides of the roads in our area but only after receiving the permission of the landowner.
Challenge Gift: 25 Monthly Givers triggers $5,000!
Our work is powered by members, supporters and partners…and we have been challenged! Watch our new video and learn about the challenge.
Passport to Nature: Only 3 events left!
Take a look at the last few events of the 2016 Passport Nature.
A Bright Future for Ontario’s Land Trusts
For three days last week, the meeting rooms and corridors of Geneva Park hosted lively discussions on databases, donors, best practices and cross-border training, not to mention the special challenges of raising public sympathy for bat and snakes. All this and much more were on the agenda for the annual gathering of the Ontario Land Trust Alliance, a symposium that encourages this province’s 35 land trusts to share and learn.
All You Need is an Hour on the Alvar
It was October 1st, 2016, with one whole hour to spare before heading back to the campground just west of Carden, Ontario. I wondered where I should head out for a hike. Given the vastness of the near-by Carden Alvar landscape in terms of natural and recreational resources, I thought I would make a decision on-the-fly as to where to explore.
Get Outside: Adventures After Dark
Throw your fear of the dark aside, and follow along with Julia Wolst, as she explains the benefits and fun that can be had at night.
Grab your calendars – great events are coming up!
There are some great events and activities coming up in the region.