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All You Need is an Hour on the Alvar

In Cameron Ranch Nature Reserve, Carden Alvar, Carden Alvar Provincial Park, Deverell Morton Nature Reserve, Nature Reserves & Easements, News, Prairie Smoke Alvar Nature Reserve by couchiching

It was October 1st, 2016, with one whole hour to spare before heading back to the campground just west of Carden, Ontario. I wondered where I should head out for a hike. Given the vastness of the near-by Carden Alvar landscape in terms of natural and recreational resources, I thought I would make a decision on-the-fly as to where to explore.

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Protecting our lake’s lifelines

In Carden Alvar, Cedarhurst Alvar Nature Reserve, Community Science, Field notes, News, Prairie Smoke Alvar Nature Reserve, Waterthrush Woods Nature Reserve by couchiching

Headwaters are like the foundation of a building, and if they are compromised, so is the entire watershed. If the headwater stream stays cold year-round, it is of primary importance because it provides the larger, lower portions of the river with a steady base flow of clean water.

We have a group of volunteers testing these headwaters through a Water Quality Project.