Eldridge Nature Reserve
The Eldridge family are creating a legacy by working with The Couchiching Conservancy to protect their family’s acreage on Chisholm Trail.
- Excellent connectivity with Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park;
- Highly biodiverse area with up to 26 species at risk including Five-lined Skink, Eastern Hog-nosed Snake, Golden-winged Warbler, Nighthawk, and Whip-poor-will;
- Canadian Shield rock barren, wetland, and forest;
- Closing date: January 28, 2025.
The Corridors Campaign is a multi-year effort to raise $1.7 million to protect wilderness in the Black River and Carden regions. Powered by people like you, we work to secure more wilderness for future generations.
There are several properties currently being negotiated under the Corridors Campaign umbrella. Campaign funding will power us forward on these projects now in play and give us the flexibility to react quickly to opportunities. The fund also gives us the critical ability to attract more support from government sources and foundations – one of the key conditions we set out to create with the Corridors Campaign.
The creation of wildlife corridors has become more urgent in the face of a rapidly changing climate. Corridors reduce fragmentation, which has a big impact on species survival. A UN report that concludes a million species are threatened with extinction, and the fact that many Canadian provinces could become ‘climate refuges’ for animals heading north to escape rising temperatures. We are working towards creating the starting point of the wildest spaces left in Ontario.
This critically important work to combat climate change and biodiversity loss would not be possible without the ongoing support of our many volunteers, donors and other funders. Thank you!
nature reserves protected since the Campaign was launched in 2019
acres protected thanks to Corridors Campaign supporters and funders
additional acres we are working to protect by 2025, as set out in our Strategic Plan
Species At Risk who rely on habitat in our region
Nature Reserves protected thanks to Corridors Campaign supporters:
- 2019: Whitney Wetland NR (30-acres), Sweetwater Farm NR (181-acres)
- 2020: Taylor NR (175-acres)
- 2021: Nicholson NR (100-acres), Marley NR (77-acres), Cedarhurst Alvar NR (1362-acres)
- 2023: Deverell-Morton NR (417-acres), Mitchell Bruce NR (84-acres), Turnbull Ranch addition (7-acres)
- 2025: more land protection in the works!
With increasing development pressure in our area, we have a goal to raise $1.7M to help move forward acquisition and protection efforts. Every donation is important and moves us closer to our land conservation objectives. Your donation will go towards the priority project.
Donations over $1,000 annually are included in our Leader's Circle, which gives you access to events, early registration for popular Passport to Nature events, special recognition in our Annual Report and more.

Adams Nature Reserve. Photo by T. Rowland.
This reserve is within the Black River Wildlands Corridor.
Development Committee
Our committee helps in many ways to further the land trust movement to protect as much wilderness as possible while the opportunities are still there. We are grateful for their commitment to this work.

Doug Varty

Doug Christie