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Intact Foundation funds water research project for Lake Simcoe

In Climate Change, News by couchiching

A local business has played a key role in launching a water quality research project that could help improve the health of Lake Simcoe. Staff at McLean and Dickey Insurance Brokers helped connect The Couchiching Conservancy and Lakehead University with Intact Foundation and the insurance company has agreed to support a water monitoring project that may help guide future decisions in the struggle to clean up Lake Simcoe.

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Bird Watching: The Hairy Woodpecker

In Birds, News by couchiching

I am often asked how to differentiate between a Downy and Hairy Woodpecker, as for many new to Bird watching it seems to be a bit of a challenge. It need not be, even though they do look much alike.

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Water Quality: Testing Our Assumptions

In Carden Alvar, News by couchiching

For a decade now the Conservancy has been building fences on the properties we manage to keep cattle out of streams, and then creating alternative watering sources for cattle to access. We’ve also been helping other ranchers in the area to do the same.

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Seeking a Balance Between Farmers & Bobolinks

In Birds, News by couchiching

Conserving species under threat is always difficult, but especially so when their habitats are on active farmland. When a scientific assessment four years ago concluded that Ontario populations of bobolinks and eastern meadowlarks were plummeting, many farmers worried that regulations to save the birds under the Endangered Species Act might threaten their incomes.