Thank you for downloading our trail maps!

Use the links to below to download our maps which are compatible with navigation apps such as Avenza.

These nature reserves are protected and cared for by The Couchiching Conservancy and supporters. Together we are dedicated to protecting nature for future generations - for our community, wildlife and the health of our planet. There a few simple and clear rules as a visitor to these places for everyone’s benefit.

Click on the nature reserve name to access the individual trail maps

We ask that you do not re-publish our maps

Visitor Guidelines:


  • Enjoy the trail with friends and family;
  • Enjoy ‘passive recreation’ like walking or birding;
  • Stay on the trail;
  • Take photos and take any garbage home;
  • Make a booking with us for groups, classrooms or photography sessions if you are coming to Grant's Woods Nature Reserve.


  • Let any pet off leash. This damages the reserve, and is harmful of wildlife and other visitors;
  • Take anything from the forest, this is poaching. This includes mushrooms, flowers, berries sticks, etc;
  • Release any wildlife you have caught;
  • Litter – take home anything you bring and pick up after your pet.


Hunting can occur in properties surrounding our nature reserves and precautions should be taken during hunting season, such as wearing bright colours like hunter orange and exercising caution at dawn and dusk.

Can you take the next step?

As a charitable non-profit, we rely on the generosity of people like you to power our work. Your gift helps us continue to offer and maintain these trails to the community, handle any downed trees, remove invasive species and much more. You will receive a charitable receipt for your donation and a big thanks from all of us!