There has been much emphasis lately on plants that benefit wildlife, especially pollinators such as bees. Most people think of native wildflowers for this purpose but there are many helpful, and beautiful, native shrubs that are important to wildlife.
Swallow Houses…If you build it, they will come!
It is a rite of spring for me to build swallow houses– each March getting the urge to build a few from left over’s from wood working projects and from scraps from local contractors who know I would never refuse a scrap of usable wood or asphalt shingles.
Volunteer Spotlight: Alan Smale
Volunteerism is alive and well at The Couchiching Conservancy. We will be doing a ‘spotlight’ on a number of volunteers this year to show off their passion for protecting nature and the types of jobs they do.
Our first Volunteer Spotlight is on 15 year volunteer Alan Smale.
Bird Watching: Eastern Meadowlark
Eastern Meadowlarks have declined in numbers recently and are now sadly on the endangered species list in Ontario. Much of the grasslands required for their habitat have disappeared due to development and changing agricultural practices. Fortunately there are still Eastern Meadowlarks in our region and this is the best time of year to spot them.
Intact Foundation funds water research project for Lake Simcoe
A local business has played a key role in launching a water quality research project that could help improve the health of Lake Simcoe. Staff at McLean and Dickey Insurance Brokers helped connect The Couchiching Conservancy and Lakehead University with Intact Foundation and the insurance company has agreed to support a water monitoring project that may help guide future decisions in the struggle to clean up Lake Simcoe.
What will our area look like in 100 years?
Planning for the future is a task that many people, businesses and non-profits do in order to determine potential needs and schedules. But what about planning our landscapes? Where does planning our environmental fit in?
Notes from the Field Spring/Summer 2014
Notes From the Field is a special spring and summer feature which will give you a glimpse into the work Conservancy staff and volunteers undertake on our properties, easements, and with private landowners in the Couchiching Region.
Spring partners; flowers and bees
With the snow disappearing, it’s a great time to get out and explore our region’s forests as they get ready for another growing season.
Don’t get complacent about that clean smell in the air
It’s a funny thing to think of a smell when you’re listing the things that make you want to live in a place. But for me, the scent of a place matters.
Bird Watching: The Hairy Woodpecker
I am often asked how to differentiate between a Downy and Hairy Woodpecker, as for many new to Bird watching it seems to be a bit of a challenge. It need not be, even though they do look much alike.