Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors plays a vital role in the success of The Couchiching Conservancy
Together, they provide strategic direction and oversight on important issues and ensure that our work is on track and moving in the right direction. We are grateful to the entire Board, for all of their efforts and passion for the work that we do.
If you would like to get in touch with one of our Board Members, please contact Meg Whitton and she can re-direct your request.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 705-326-1620
Councils & Committees:
- Past President's
- Advisory
- Development (scroll to the end of Corridors Campaign webpage)
Kathy Hunt

Kathy is a freelance marketing communications specialist, happily semi-retired, following a career in public relations and marketing. She enjoyed the opportunities her freelance career provided, especially with not-for-profit and public sector organizations. Most recently she worked with Lakehead University during the opening and development of its new campus in Orillia.
She has been involved with the Couchiching Conservancy over the years, originally as a corporate member with her freelance business, KH Communications. She worked with the organization to help develop and produce the organization's first newsletter, as well as promotional materials for special events and public awareness.
Kathy moved to Orillia with her family, husband Lance and three children, 30 years ago and loves the area, especially the opportunities for outdoor recreation. Her favourite pastime is exploring local trails, parks and waterways, preferably by canoe, kayak, rowboat, on skiis or by bicycle.
Always interested in promoting the benefits of the Orillia lifestyle, Kathy has volunteered with local festivals, the Orillia Community Development Corporation, the Terry Fox Run, and most recently as a member of the Games Organizing Committee for the 2018 Ontario Winter Games.
Past President:
Neil Gray

Neil has a B.Sc.(Univ of Guelph), M.Sc. (Warwick University, England), and Ph.D. (Univ of Western Ontario) in Biochemistry. He then went into Environmental Engineering; was an Ass. Prof. at University of Western Ontario.
After 5 years he shifted gears and went into industry, working on environmental projects (surveys, protocol development, remediation [air, land, groundwater and surface water]) for a Fortune 100 company in Canada, US and England. Throughout his industrial career (20 years) he maintained his academic connections, as an Adjunct Prof at Waterloo, Guelph, and Univ of Toronto.
For the last 9 years he has been leading a group of scientists for the Federal Government (CRA; Scientific Research and Experimental Development program for the Ontario Region); recently retired in November 2018; He has published/presented over 120 scientific papers and holds a number of patents, covering everything from bioremediation to wind turbine blade design.
He belongs to the Carden Field Naturalists, Couchiching Conservancy, Hamilton Naturalists, Ontario Field Ornithologists, Scottish Ornithology Club and the Archaeological Society of Ontario (presently serving as the Secretary for the Toronto Chapter).
Bob Sullivan

Bob is a dentist who has practiced in Orillia for 30 years. As a member of the Conservancy for years, a past president and part of numerous teams and committees, his planning and management skills have been invaluable on the Board. Bob currently chairs the Heartwood Committee and serves on the Conservancy’s Investment Committee. He loves snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, canoeing, hiking and kayaking, and is a keen supporter of conserving land for future generations. He and his partner Wendy have three daughters and live in Severn Township.
Dale Leadbeater

Dale A. Leadbeater, B. Sc., B. Ed., R.P. Bio., P. Biol., graduated from the University of Toronto, then
worked in the Botany Department where she administered the Green Plant Herbarium. A field
associate of the Royal Ontario Museum and life member of the Field Botanists of Ontario, she has
presented talks on many natural heritage topics, organized conferences and led outings as well as
teaching Ecological Land Classification. An enthusiastic supporter of Land Trusts, Dale has worked with The Couchiching Conservancy as an event leader, Advisory Council member and volunteer. Dale lives on a 200-acre Conservation Easement near Kirkfield.
Jane Bonsteel

Jane moved to Orillia in 2016 and is retired after a career in drinking water treatment. She volunteers with the Couchiching Conservancy as a Water Quality Monitor and occasionally as an Ambassador. She participates in the Sundial Creek working group which is collaborating with the City to restore one of Orillia’s last cold water creeks. Jane is a also member of the City’s Environmental Advisory Committee. Her favourite places to be are out-of-doors, paddling canoes and kayaks, cross-country skiing or biking.
Jack Booth

Jack Booth is the owner of J.R. Booth CA Professional Corporation. Originally playing the role of auditor and then later acting as an accounting advisor, Jack has worked with the Conservancy for many years, most recently serving as treasurer. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the organization and has the advantage of being well-versed in many of the nuances of running the Conservancy. He currently serves on the Investment Committee. An Orillia resident, he has served a number of community organizations, most recently acting as treasurer of the Lighthouse soup kitchen.
Janet Machan

Janet Machan was an elementary teacher for 30 years throughout Simcoe County. Since her
retirement in 2017, she has enjoyed work as an occasional librarian at Orillia Public Library's Family Department. She has always been a voracious reader and a patron of the arts. She and her husband, Gary, have enjoyed rural life in Oro Medonte where they've raised their two children, gardened and walked the trails. Janet and her family have been CC members for a number of years attending pie auctions, music nights and Annual General Meetings. Janet has loved the opportunity to participate in the Citizen Science program learning about species at risk and searching for whip-poor-wills on warm summer nights. She is also a volunteer member of the Passport to Nature team which gives her the opportunity to invite others to share in her love of nature.
Morris Ilyniak

Morris has been coming to Lake Simcoe for more than 30 years. He enjoys kayaking, backcountry skiing, cycling, camping, birding, and citizen science. He grew up in the Burlington-Hamilton area where he first became active in nature studies. While living in Toronto, Morris worked for the Ontario Ministry of Finance as a senior economist and manager of an economic policy unit. Since retiring in 2016, Morris and wife Dana live at the cottage on the north shore of Lake Simcoe in Atherley, while still retaining a home in Toronto. Morris has served on several boards, including a long-term care facility and community health centre. Morris has degrees in urban planning, journalism, and intellectual property law. He can’t remember when he first joined the Couchiching Conservancy, so it must have been a really long time ago!
Susan Crowe

Susan is a local community member & retired business leader who brings a ‘business’ perspective & relevant skills to the Director role particularly in the areas of leadership, strategic planning, financial governance & relationship building. Her volunteer roles at the Conservancy as a Monarch Monitor and Passport to Nature Committee member have been very rewarding & have provided a better understanding of the inner workings of the organization, its people & culture & the underlying passion & dedication that runs throughout. Susan holds a Masters of Business Administration degree from Athabasca University & a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto & as a self-described lifelong learner is a voracious reader of many wide ranging topics. In addition to her equestrian related activities, Susan loves all of the outdoor recreational opportunities available in the local area and enjoys hiking, kayaking, camping, cross country skiing and spending quiet time working in her gardens learning more about native plants and trying to attract more bees and butterflies.